Changing Grades
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Changing of Grades
Grades given at the end of a course are final and may not be changed by additional work or submitting additional materials. When work is completed for a course in which an INC grade has been given, instructors notify the Registrar's Office of that fact, along with the final grade to be given, by processing a Grade Change Card through their academic Dean's office. Similarly, if the original grade that was submitted was done in error, a Grade Change Card should be processed.
Below is a deliberately-altered image of the former physical Grade Change Card, shown here so that instructors understand what one looks like and what information is requested on one. Our office no longer deals with physical Grade Change Cards. Instead, there is an electronic PDF version available from the Registrar's restricted forms web page.

The instructor should complete the upper half of the form, including the date that the student completed the course, and digitally sign and date the form. Only the instructor of record for the course may sign as the instructor. (If the instructor of record is no longer employed by SIU, the school director or department chair may sign instead, noting this fact on the form.) The instructor should then forward the form to the school director or departmental chair for further processing.
If a form contains a grade change from an INC or DEF to an actual grade – or from an NR to an actual grade – then only the instructor's signature is needed. However, when changing a previously-final grade to a different final grade, the school director or department chair, along with the Dean (or a delegate known to the Registrar's Office as authorized to do so), must sign as well. If the affected student is a graduate student, then the Graduate School Dean must sign as well. All signatures must be digital signatures (no stamps are allowed).
All Grade Change Card PDF forms should be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the school/department or the Dean's office.