Office Organization

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Registrar's Office Organization

DIRECTOR 1  (453-2963)

  • Rachel Frazier
    • (vacant)
    • Matthew Herman
      • Grady Misselhorn

Graduation & Transcripts 2  (453-2054)

  • Samantha Walker
    • Shannon Grotti
    • Erin Toliver

Records & Registration 3  (453-2993)

  • Angela Pavloff
    • Dane Inman
    • Ian Hayano

Scheduling 4  (453-2997)

  • Brian Reaves
    • Craig Smith
    • Matt Burger

Withdrawals & Petitions 5  (453-7041)

  • Teresa Hughes
    • Kolton Pavloff

Articulation & Evaluation 6  (453-2012)

The Registrar's Office is part of Enrollment Management.  Other offices and functions included in Enrollment Management are Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admissions.

The Registrar's Office is located in the Student Services Building.

1 This area handles Illinois residency, graduation appeals, Scholastic Honors determination, Clearinghouse reporting, SIS setup, web pages.

2 This area handles applications for graduation, graduation approval, degree posting, and diplomas ... but not Commencement ceremonies.  This area also handles requests for official transcripts of SIU student coursework and storage of pre-SIS record cards.

3 This area handles grades, GPA, academic standing, Deans List, release of records, degree verification, and student name changes.  This area also handles registration changes, enrollment verification, tuition/fee assessment, and student-athlete academic eligibility and degree progress.

4 This area handles Schedule of Classes, classroom scheduling, final exam schedule, and certain special events scheduling.

5 This area handles undergraduate withdrawals, retroactive academic action appeals, reinstatement petitions, and student absence and death notices.

6 This area (formerly known as Transfer Student Services) has information available on this site.