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Details About the Opening of Registration
Date: January 2025
To: SIU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law students
From: SIU Registrar's Office
Subject: Opening of SIU's Summer and Fall 2025 registration
Registration for SIU's Summer and Fall 2025 terms will be starting up in early April. Between now and then you may be meeting with an academic advisor to help you determine what classes you should plan to take. In the meantime, please review the information below.
- 1. When will registration take place?
- 2. Am I supposed to do my own registration?
- 3. What is a "RUN" number?
- 4. What about the holds that were mentioned above?
- 5. Do I have to worry about course prerequisites?
- 6. Can I look at available classes now, before seeing my advisor?
- 7. What about Math Placement?
- 8. If it turns out that a class is full, can I get on a waitlist for it?
- 9. Is there anything else to be concerned about at this time?
- 10. How will I later be billed for my registration?
The opening of registration for Summer and Fall 2025 will occur on a staggered-start schedule, beginning with Seniors on Tuesday, April 1. Once the time slot during which you are able to first register arrives, you may immediately register for classes within SalukiNet Self-Service if you do not have any holds in place that would prevent you from registering.1
Please note that most students will be unable to use the registration system during the day on Monday, March 31. This is in preparation for the opening of registration. It means that most students will not be able to make registration changes to their late-starting Spring 2025 classes during that day – because they will appear to have a "Registration is not open" type of temporary hold that is only for that one day – but they should be able to make such changes again by that evening (or, at the very latest, by that midnight).
A small portion of students will be able to use the registration system on that Monday during the period of 8:15 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time. This portion of students will include at least veterans and active duty military students, student athletes, UHP students, Chancellor Scholars, and Law Honors students. Most other students will have the temporary hold in effect during that time to prevent their use of the system.
1 Once the time slot during which you are able to first register arrives, registration for students in that time slot will normally then be available around the clock 7 days a week, with the possible exception of Saturday 6:00 PM through Sunday Noon (which is occasionally used for system maintenance and upgrades). Any such planned system downtime will normally be announced in advance within SalukiNet.
Yes, undergraduate, graduate, and Law students are expected to register themselves through the SalukiNet portal, logging into SalukiNet with their Network ID. (Medical students will be registered by staff in the School of Medicine.)
The self-registration system will normally permit adding of full-term classes through the end of the first week of classes. (Classes that are shorter than full-term will normally need to be added by the first day of the class.) If circumstances prevent you from meeting the deadline to self-register, you will need to see your advisor and complete paperwork for your registration, and you may incur a late registration charge.
Your advisor does not have the computer access to register you into your classes. While they, for example, can watch you as you register yourself in their office – and assist you if needed – please do not ever give them your Network ID and password, because that would give them access to too much personal information about you (not all of which they have the right or authority to access).
If you are being pressured to give your Network ID and password to anyone, please contact the SalukiTech Help Desk or the Registrar's Office.
Some students who self-register are required to use a 6-digit Registration User Number (RUN) during at least their initial self-registration. The SalukiNet self-registration process will prompt for any required RUN.
If you are required to have a RUN for the upcoming term, you should get it when you meet with your advisor to plan your upcoming courses. The RUN is unique to each student and to each term. If you have questions about your RUN or forget it, please ask your advisor.
Once most undergraduates who require a RUN successfully register for a term for the first time, if they return on a subsequent day to do registration changes for that term, they should no longer need to use a RUN for that term.
More information about RUNs – and which students require them – is here.
Your ability to register could be impacted by holds. While in SalukiNet Self-Service, you can check for any current holds under the Student | Student Records menu.
For all students, outstanding financial obligations to SIU beyond $1,500 may result in a hold that prevents registration, as may failing to comply with Illinois immunization requirements. The same is true for students who have not completed certain federally-mandated training, as well as for undergraduate students currently in their first full semester at SIU – or back at SIU – who have not submitted final transcripts from their previous institution(s).
Since holds may be placed on your record by various offices at any time – especially on the day before the opening of registration – you will want to monitor SalukiNet Self-Service to make sure that you are not surprised by any new non-temporary holds when you attempt to register. (Your SalukiNet Must Do List will warn you of newly-activated registration holds.) And if you think that you may be at risk for getting any holds that will impact your ability to register, please check with your advisor to see if that is true.
Remember that if you are currently registered for this term's classes, any holds that will prevent you from registering for future term classes will also prevent you from making registration changes to your current term classes (including dropping or withdrawing from them).
If any holds that you see in SalukiNet Self-Service are not accompanied by details (or contact information) about how to fulfill them, more information about most holds is available here.1
1 The HS holds are normally posted to go into effect by the end of the third week of the semester, while the A3, A6, A7, and RM holds are normally posted to go into effect by the end of the tenth week of the semester. The DR holds are normally posted to go into effect 45 days after the student is alerted to the need for the Consent & Respect training (for a new student, this alert is early in their first semester; for a continuing student, this alert is one year after the completion of their previous training).
The SalukiNet Self-Service registration system enforces course prerequisites and corequisites. If you have not satisfied the prerequisite(s) for a desired course as outlined in the appropriate Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, or School of Law Course Catalog – or you are not currently enrolled in a prerequisite course – and if your advisor has not otherwise entered an override permitting you to enroll in the desired course, you will be prevented from registering for that course. If that happens to you, there will be an error message that says, "Prerequisite and Test Score error."
Similarly, if a desired course has a corequisite course that you need to be enrolled in during the same term, you will need to register for both courses at the same time, or you will be prevented from registering for either one (unless your advisor has entered an override permitting you to do so). If you run into this problem, there will be an error message that likely also says, "Prerequisite and Test Score error" (which seems like an unfortunate choice of wording when such an error should really say, "Corequisite required").
The Schedule of Classes page contains a searchable database of class sections that you would utilize to look for available class sections.
If the upcoming term is available for you to select, then you should be able to look at what classes are available. If the upcoming term is not yet available for you to select, then the Schedule of Classes for that term has not yet been published, and you will have to wait until it is published.
Please realize, though, that even after the Schedule of Classes is published, as we get closer to the opening of registration – and even beyond that – changes to these courses may happen (such as when they meet), some of these courses may be canceled, and other courses may be added, so you will want to check regularly to see what is available.
If you have any questions about the particular courses for which you should register, or if you have concerns about meeting the appropriate prerequisites, please check with your advisor.
If you have never registered before, or if you simply need a basic reminder of how our online self-registration works, we have a set of instructions that should help.
Undergraduate students must complete one or more Math courses to receive a degree. We encourage you to get your Math courses completed as soon as possible, preferably starting in your first term at SIU.
Information about Math requirements and the Math placement process is available from the Math department.
For those who are not familiar with the concept, to get on a waitlist allows you to be in line for a spot in a currently-closed class should an opening occur in the future (due to, for example, someone else dropping the class). Such a system allows you to not have to log in frequently and check for any sudden openings in the class, so it can be a very helpful tool. (Of course, there's no guarantee that an opening will occur in the future, or that enough openings will occur in the future to benefit all students on the waitlist.)
Waitlisting is available for courses in a number of schools and departments. Schools and departments are not required to offer waitlisting on their courses, and those that do may offer waitlisting on only a portion of their courses.
More details about waitlisting are here. In the meantime, if you wish to waitlist a class, you will need to have a current @siu.edu e-mail address in order to receive notifications if and when an opening in the class is made available to you (when you are at the top of the waitlist). If you do not have such an e-mail address right now, you can return to the Network ID Management System after you have registered for the first time and claim the e-mail address that will have been assigned to you.
While you are preparing for registration, we encourage you to log into SalukiNet self-service and take time to verify and/or update your contact information (address, email, phone, etc.) as necessary. You can do so from the "Update Your Contact Information" task which will direct you to your Personal Information page. While there, we also encourage you to fill out your "emergency contact" information as well.
For those of you who have not yet obtained your SIU e-mail address, that is something that you really need to do, and you can do so by logging into the Network ID Management System (though brand new students will have to wait until after the first time they register before they can obtain their SIU e-mail address).
Students who register for Fall classes prior to mid-July will have their Bursar E-bill available within SalukiNet on – or just after – July 15. Students who register for Spring classes prior to mid-December will have their E-bill available on December 15. Students who register for Summer classes prior to mid-May will have their E-bill available on May 15. Students who do not register for classes until after the noted date will have their E-bill available after the next 15th of the month.
The Bursar's Office does not mail paper bills for registered students, so registered students need to check their E-bills in SalukiNet.
Payment of the amount noted on the E-bill – or the application of financial aid to cover the amount – is due by the 10th of the month following that E-bill.
More information about Bursar billing and payment options may be found on the Bursar's web site.