Name Changes

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Name Changes

Legal Name

Your legal name is required to be used by the University in a number of areas necessitated by University business or legal requirement (such as paychecks, financial aid, the official transcript, etc.).

Making a change to your legal name can not be done within SalukiNet Self-Service.  Instead, please complete a Name Change Request Form.  (If you have problems opening that form, try this one instead.)  Then present the completed form to the Registrar's Office in the Student Services Building, room 0251, along with official identifying documentation.  Acceptable forms of ID include a state-issued picture ID and one of the following:

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Divorce Decree
  • Court Order
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport (for international students)

If you cannot come to our office in person, you may submit the completed form and copies of the official documentation by mail to the following:

SIU Registrar's Office
Student Services Building, Room 0251
Mail Code 4701
1263 Lincoln Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901

You may also fax the request to (618) 453-2915.  If you have any questions about this, you may call (618) 453-2999 during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CT).

This legal name change will affect only your SIU student records.  If you are also an employee, graduate assistant, or student worker, you will need to contact Human Resources and/or Payroll to update your legal name within their system.

Preferred Name

A preferred name is a first name (i.e., given name) that you may choose to have used instead of your legal first name in instances where the University does not require the legal first name.  These include class rosters, grade reports, unofficial transcripts, and directory listings.

You may identify a preferred name by logging into SalukiNet, searching for the “preferred name” task, and completing the process.  Please allow up to five business days for the change to be reflected.  (You will most easily see it displayed in SalukiNet Self-Service.)

The University's preferred name policy is noted in the Undergraduate Catalog at, about halfway down the page.