Incomplete Grades

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Incomplete Grade Information

An INC grade may be assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class assignments for the course.1  An INC must be changed to a completed grade within a time period designated by the instructor – subject to University policy on the maximum for this time period – or graduation, whichever occurs first.  Should the student fail to complete the remaining course requirements within the time period designated, the incomplete will be converted to a grade of F and such grade will be computed in the student's grade point average.

Effective for courses taken Summer 2013 or later and assigned a grade of INC, the maximum time period noted in the first paragraph for graduate students to complete the course (before the INC is converted to an F) has been set at one year from the close of the term in which the course was taken.  For undergraduate students, the maximum time period to complete such a course has been set at one full semester from the close of the term in which the course was taken (before the INC is converted to an F).2

Students should not re-register for courses in which an INC has already been assigned with the intent of changing that INC grade.  Re-registration in the same course at a later time will not in and of itself prevent the original INC from being changed to an F.3

NOTE:  Graduating seniors and their instructors should avoid INC grades during the student's final semester.  An INC could delay the student's graduation or, in the case of a course not required for the degree, turn immediately and permanently into an F.

Instructors may use the Incomplete Grade Agreement form (available within SalukiNet) to formalize the conditions which the student should meet to qualify for a proper final grade.

1 For students not engaged in passing work, an INC grade is not appropriate for the instructor to use.

2 For ease in understanding the deadlines, here are some specific end dates of the maximum time periods allowed for a student to complete the INC-graded course and have the instructor submit a grade change card to the Registrar's Office:

  • Spring 2023 undergraduate ......... had until no later than December 15, 2023
  • Summer 2023 undergraduate ...... had until no later than December 15, 2023
  • Fall 2023 undergraduate .............. had until no later than May 10, 2024
  • Spring 2024 undergraduate ......... has until no later than December 13, 2024
  • Summer 2024 undergraduate ...... has until no later than December 13, 2024
  • Fall 2024 undergraduate .............. has until no later than May 9, 2025
  • Fall 2022 grad student .................. had until no later than December 15, 2023
  • Spring 2023 grad student ............. had until no later than May 10, 2024
  • Summer 2023 grad student .......... has until no later than August 2, 2024
  • Fall 2023 grad student .................. has until no later than December 13, 2024
  • Spring 2024 grad student ............. has until no later than May 9, 2025

3 Students who are given the advice of re-registration need to understand that this advice is flawed.  The student should properly complete the requirements of the original course to ensure that the INC is not changed to an F.  If the student does re-register, the student will be paying for that course a second time and will still be at risk of getting an F in the original course and having that F displayed permanently on their transcript record.